@article{oai:tohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00120167, author = {佐藤, 敦久 and 後藤, 光亀 and 高橋, みつる and 秋葉, 道宏 and 千葉, 信男 and 熊谷, 幸博 and SATO, Atsuhisa and GOTO, Koki and TAKAHASHI, Mitsuru and AKIBA, Michihiro and CHIBA, Nobuo and KUMAGAI, Yukihiro}, journal = {財団法人建設工学研究振興会年報, Annual report of the Society for the Promotion of Construction Engineering}, month = {Mar}, note = {書誌情報のみ, Bibliographic data Only}, pages = {22--24}, title = {釜房ダム水質汚濁機構調査報告書}, volume = {20}, year = {1985}, yomi = {サトウ, アツヒサ and ゴトウ, コウキ and タカハシ, ミツル and アキバ, ミチヒロ and チバ, ノブオ and クマガイ, ユキヒロ} }