@article{oai:tohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00128179, author = {Sharadha, Dayalan Naidu and Aki, Muramatsu and Ryota, Saito and Soichiro, Asami and Tadashi, Honda and Tomonori, Hosoya and Ken, Itoh and Masayuki, Yamamoto and Takafumi, Suzuki and Albena, T Dinkova-Kostova}, issue = {8037}, journal = {Scientific Reports}, month = {May}, note = {学術論文(Ariticle)}, pages = {1--12}, title = {C151 in KEAP1 is the main cysteine sensor for the cyanoenone class of NRF2 activators, irrespective of molecular size or shape}, volume = {8}, year = {2018} }