@article{oai:tohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00049736, author = {北村, 信也 and 柴田, 浩幸 and 田中, 智子}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {東北大学多元物質科学研究所素材工学研究彙報}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, A composition change in oxide inclusions due to annealing in Si-Mn killed stainless steel was investigated. Using a confocal laser scanning microscope, SiO_2-MnO type oxides observed in bloom disappeared by annealing over 1273K. According to the thermodynamic calculation, SiO_2-MnO type oxides which are stable in molten steel temperature become unstable in annealing temperature and MnO-Cr_2O_3 type or SiO_2 type oxides become more stable. Also, a solubility of Cr_2O_3 in SiO_2-MnO liquid phase became very small in the annealing temperature. So, it would be possible that Cr_2O_3 containing MnO-SiO_2 type oxide becomes unstable and decomposed to MnO-Cr_2O_3 or SiO_2 type oxides by annealing treatment., 紀要類 (bulletin), 報文, Original Paper, 951346 bytes}, pages = {18--23}, title = {Si-Mn脱酸ステンレス鋼における脱酸生成物の安定性}, volume = {62}, year = {2007} }