@article{oai:tohoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00054014, author = {Matsunaga, H. and Orito, S. and Matsumoto, H. and Yoshimura, K. and Moiseev, A. and Anraku, K. and Golden, R. and Imori, M. and Makida, Y. and Mitchell, J. and Motoki, M. and Nishimura, J. and Nozaki, M. and Ormes, J. and Saeki, T. and Sanuki, T. and Streitmatter, R. and Suzuki, J. and Tanaka, K. and Ueda, I. and Yajima, N. and Yamagami, T. and Yamamoto, A. and Yoshida, T.}, issue = {19}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, month = {}, note = {学術論文 (Article)}, pages = {4052--4055}, title = {Measurement of Low-Energy Cosmic-Ray Antiprotons at Solar Minimum}, volume = {81}, year = {1998} }